phone: +48 500 699 620
Notification Messages
Andon sends notifications about events using various messaging systems and according to defined notification rules.
Supported notification methods:
by SMS sent using GSM mobile phone or modem connected to Andon server by serial or USB port
by Windows network broadcast (net send)
by e-mail sent using regular SMTP server
by e-mail sent using 'SMS to e-mail' gateway and GSM mobile phone or modem connected to Andon server by serial or USB port
Customizable Notification Rules
Notification rules can be flexible defined by system administrator using easy to use web-based Control Panel.
Supported scenarios include escallation paths (e.g. SMS being sent to the service technican, if no arrival within 5 minutes then next SMS being sent to shift supervisor together with e-mail to production manager).
Custom Messaging Interfaces
We are the designers and authors of the system. We can adapt it to specific customer needs and apply any customizations.
On customer's demand we offer development of interfaces for notification of any other messaging and computer systems.